Below is a comparison of the adoption fees we charge and what you can expect to pay if you are given a rabbit or buy one from a breeder or pet store. The most cost effective and compassionate choice you can make is to adopt from a shelter or rescue group and not to breed or buy.
Our adoption fee is a sliding scale: of $120. Rabbits with medical expenses may have a higher adoption fee. The adoption fee is not tax-deductible. Additional donations are always greatly appreciated.
Rabbit Owner Expenses | Gift/Purchased Rabbit | Rabbit Adopted from SaveABunny |
Initial Adoption Fee | Free/$15 | $120 |
Rabbit-safe Spay/Neuter Surgery | $100 - $300 | Included |
Educational Resources | $20 - $50 | Included |
Personalized and Knowledgeable Assistance | N/A | Included |
Rescues a Bunny/Saves a Life | N/A | Included |
TOTAL COSTS | $160 - $445 | $120 |
We have a wide variety of loving bunnies, including purebred rabbits. We rescue and cherish each bunny, regardless of breed purity.